Boy do I feel old we have been married 41 years tomorrow (Sunday)got married when I was 17. Long long ago. Three kids, lost 3 children,6 grandchildren .Tom retied in July from .He just work to hard to many days Gm and he has been sick ever since then.
Find this cute itty bitty screen door from goodwill did it as a Halloween door,will take a picture and put it up later .Will I guess this will be short have to take the puppy out. It nice and cool out there right now love the cool weather.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Witch Holiday
Wicceans and Neopagans celebrate festivals base on natural and the changing seasons.
Neopagan season cycle called the " Wheel Of The Year"consists of eight major Sabbats The Sabbats ae joyous of celebrations and festivity.
Sabbats Neopagans, Sabbats begin at sunset the day before the holiday Four Sabbats known as coss quarters days have Celtic names. The other four important that point on solar calendar.
March 21 Ostara (Spring Equinox)
May 1 Beltane
June 22 Midsummer (Summer Solstic)
Aug. 2( Lughnasadh)
Sept.21 Malion (Autumn Equinox)
Nov. 1 (Samhain)
Dec.21 Yule (Winter Solstice)
Samhain is the Wiccan New Year
Yule- rebirth and renewal
Imbole -marks the growth of the God into strong boy as the days grow longer and the sun get stronger.
Ostara- Spring Equinor marks the fist day of spring
Beltane -the Emogene of God into manhood
Litha Summer- falls on the longest day of the year
Lammas- is the celebration of the successful growing season
Mabon- is the celebration of a successful harvest
Neopagan season cycle called the " Wheel Of The Year"consists of eight major Sabbats The Sabbats ae joyous of celebrations and festivity.
Sabbats Neopagans, Sabbats begin at sunset the day before the holiday Four Sabbats known as coss quarters days have Celtic names. The other four important that point on solar calendar.
March 21 Ostara (Spring Equinox)
May 1 Beltane
June 22 Midsummer (Summer Solstic)
Aug. 2( Lughnasadh)
Sept.21 Malion (Autumn Equinox)
Nov. 1 (Samhain)
Dec.21 Yule (Winter Solstice)
Samhain is the Wiccan New Year
Yule- rebirth and renewal
Imbole -marks the growth of the God into strong boy as the days grow longer and the sun get stronger.
Ostara- Spring Equinor marks the fist day of spring
Beltane -the Emogene of God into manhood
Litha Summer- falls on the longest day of the year
Lammas- is the celebration of the successful growing season
Mabon- is the celebration of a successful harvest
Friday, August 21, 2009
Witches, Warlords Story

Witches, Warlords have had a long history with Halloween legends tells of witches gathering twice a year when seasons changed on April 30 the eve of May day and the other was on Oct 31 All Halloween Eve.
The witches would gathered on these nights ,arriving on there broomsticks,to celebrate a party hosted by the devil.
Superstitions told of witches casting spells on unsuspecting people transform them
self into different forms causing other magical mischief.
I was said that to meet a witch you had to put your cloths on wrong side out and you had to walk backwards on Halloween night. Then at midnight you would see a witch.
When early settlers came to America they brought along their belief in witches .In America legends of witches spread and mixed with beliefs of other ,the Native American also believe in witches and then later with black magic beliefs of African slaves.
The black cat has long been associated with witches. Many superstitions have evolved about cats .It was believed that witches could change into cats. Some people also believed cats were the spirits of the dead.
One of the best known superstitions is that of the black cat. If a black cat was to cross your path you would have to turn around go back because if you continued bad luck would strike you.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It;s a Party At!!!!!!!!!!

It's a Magical Halloween celebration party over at, .Vanessa. is having on her blog.
So fly on over and sign up or just read about the party on Oct.17-09 There will be some many Halloween blogs party's to go .Now all I need to do is think what to do and what to give away at the party .Making a list and checking it twice.
I'm a member of( SEHA )Society of Eclectic Halloween Artists who sell on ebay,they now have a new blog at Fly on over to the blog they having a give away ending this month and a new one in Sept. I'll be giving away the picture (the Man in The moon).SO stop by and tell us HELLO!
Monday, August 17, 2009
My skeleton bunnies was finalist in the challenge "Skeleton in the closet")they are on page (79) in the magazine, how cool is that I'm so lucky.I have such good friends here who also come and say something nice to me .I just like to thank you for stopping by and talking with me It means a lot to me to have good friends so,
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Change the Cart
This is the skeleton I did for an challenge but didn't get done. So I change him around and now he the skeleton collector. Has a black cart but I don't like the skeleton on the side so I'm going to take the sticks off and just put the heads on.
My son has a very big garden this year so I ran to town to pass out purple green beans and tomatoes and a lot of everything else.They love to see me coming I guess.
Saturday, August 15, 2009

If a bat flies into a house it is a sign that ghost are at about and maybe the ghost let the bat in.
If bats come out early and fly around playful then it a sign of good weath.
If a bat flies around a house 3 times it is death omen.
If you go to a crossroad at Halloween and listen to the wind youre learn all the most important things that will befall you and during the next 12 months
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
More Superstitions
1.If a candle flame suddenly turns blue ,a ghost is near at hand.
2. Knocking on wood keeps evil away.
3. to prevent ghosts from entering into your home ,especially at Halloween , bury animals bone near the doorway or bury the image of a animal in a sealed box or jar.
4.If you see a spider on Halloween it's a departed spirit from your past that is watching you.
5. A child that has teeth when it is born will grow up to be a vampire.
6. If Halloween night occurs on the night of a full moon ,the spirit world is all the closer ,so intuition and divination are stranger and caution and care are more advisable.
7. A fire lit or burning after sunset on Halloween should be kept burning until after midnight or spirits may come around and do harm.
8. In the United States if an all black cat crosses your path it's bad luck .If an all white cat crosser your path it's good luck.
9. Wear a ring on Halloween especially if you are sick and you re be safe from harm
10 .Ring a bell to scare evil spirits away
There was a strange old witch ,in a pointed hat
Who rides on a broom with her big black cat
Across the sky late at night
When the moon is high on Halloween Night
Monday, August 10, 2009
Finish Creations
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My skeleton bunnies that I enter in the challenge for Cloth ,Paper,Scissors are on you tube. It takes for ever to watch it with dial up but it is so neat. It at : under" Freaky Friday in June Quilting Arts Headquarters.Went to S. c. and back the trip was nice love the hills in Tenn and W. V. Glad to be back home, Harrison missed me. Will got the boys for a couple of days, taking them over to a friends for a sleep over this should be fun. They going to sleep out in a camper, ha !ha! we see?????
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